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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS);faqs.459
Below are blends that technically are also acronyms:
alnico ALuminum + NIckel + CObalt (1935, NI2+)
avgas AViation GASoline (1943, NI3)
boff Box OFFice (1946, NI3)
ceramal CERAMic ALloy (ca. 1948, NI2+)
cermet CERamic METal (1948, NI2+)
comsymp COMmunist SYMPathizer (ca. 1961, 9C)
cyborg CYBernetic ORGanism (ca. 1962, 9C)
dorper DORset horn + blackhead PERsian (1949, NI3)
elhi ELementary school + HIgh school (1948, 9C)
gox Gaseous OXygen (1959, 9C)
hela HEnrietta LAcks (1953, 9C)
kip KIlo- + Pound (1914, NI2)
linac LINear ACcelerator (1950, 9C)
loran LOng-RAnge Navigation (ca. 1932, NI2+)
lox Liquid OXygen (1923, 9C)
mascon MASs CONcentration (1968, 9C)
maximin MAXImum + MINimum (1951, 9C)
minimax MINImum + MAXimum (1918, 9C)
modem MOdulator + DEModulator (ca. 1952, 9C)
motocross MOTOr + CROSS-country (1951, 9C)
napalm NAphthenic and PALMitic acids (1942, NI2+)
parsec PARallax SECond (ca. 1913, NI1+)
redox REDuction + OXidation (1828, NI2)
selsyn SELf-SYNchronizing (1936, NI2+)
shoran SHOrt-RAnge Navigation (ca. 1932, NI2+)
silvex SILVa + EXterminator (1961, 9C)
sitcom SITuation COMedy (1965, 9C)
teleran TELEvision-RAdar Navigation (1946, NI2+)
telex TELeprinter EXchange (ca. 1943, 9C)
vidicon VIDeo + ICONoscope (1950, NI3)
wilco WILl COmply (ca. 1938, NI3)
Acronyms from other languages:
agitprop AGITatsiya + PROPaganda (Russian, ca. 1926, NI2+)
flak FLiegerAbwehrKanonen (German, 1938, NI2+)
gestapo GEheime STAatsPOlizei (German, 1934, NI2+)
gulag Glavnoe Upravlenie ispravitel'notrudovykh LAGerei (Russian, 1974, 9C)
kolkhoz KOLlektivnoe KHOZyaistvo (Russian, 1921, NI2)
moped MOtor + PEDal (Swedish, ca. 1955, 9C)
sambo SAMozashchita Bez Oruzhiya (Russian, 1972, 9C)
Selected near misses:
athodyd Aero-THermODYnamic Duct (1945, NI2+) -- blend
awol Absent WithOut Leave (1919, NI2+) -- usually capitalized
benday BENjamin DAY (1903, NI1+) -- blend
deet Di-Ethyl Tolumide (1962, 9C) -- pronunciation of D. E. T.
echovirus Enteric Cytopathogenic Human Orphan VIRUS (1955, 9C) -- blend
hi-fi HIgh FIdelity (1948, NI2+) -- hyphenated
ibuprofen Iso-BUtyl PROpionic PHENyl (1969, 12W) -- PH pronounced f
jaygee Junior Grade (1943, NI3) -- pronunciation of J. G.
jayvee Junior Varsity (1937, NI3) -- pronunciation of J. V.
jeep General Purpose (1940, NI2+) -- pronunciation of G. P.
op-ed OPposite EDitorial (1970, 9C) -- hyphenated
pj's PaJamas (1951, NI3) -- punctuated
nazi NAtionalsoZIalist (German, 1930, NI2) -- shorten & alter
nystatin New York STATe + -IN (1952, NI3) -- extraneous suffix
reovirus Respiratory Enteric Orphan VIRUS (1959, 9C) -- blend
sci-fi SCIence FIction (1955, 9C) -- hyphenated
siloxane SILicon + OXygen + methANE (1922, NI3) -- blend
tokamak TOroidskaja KAmera MAGneticheskaja (Russian, 1965, 9C) -- G pron. k
tradevman TRAining DEVices MAN (ca. 1947, NI3) -- blend
updo UPswept hairDO (1946, NI2+) -- blend
veep Vice President (1940, NI2+) -- pronunciation of V. P.
warfarin Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation + coumARIN (ca. 1950, NI3) - blend
yuppie Young Urban Professional + -PIE (1983, 9C) -- extraneous suffix
Acronyms that should be in Webster's Ninth:
biopic BIOgraphical PICture (12W)
fifo First In, First Out (NI2+)
lifo Last In, First Out (NI2+)
nomic NO Metal In Composition (NI3) (John Bulten)
quango QUAsi-Non Governmental Organization (12W)
shazam Solomon Hercules Atlas Zeus Achilles Mercury (12W)
tacan TACtical Air Navigation (12W)
Supposed acronyms:
posh Port Out, Starboard Home
spiff Sales Productivity Incentive Fund
tip To Insure (should be Ensure) Politeness (or Promptness)
==> english/ambiguous.p <==
What word in the English language is the most ambiguous?
What is the greatest number of parts of speech that a single word
can be used for?
==> english/ambiguous.s <==
In Webster's Ninth, "set" occupies 1.2 columns, has 25 vb entries, 11 vi
entries, 23 noun entries, 7 adjective entries; "take" occupies 1.3 columns,
has 19 vb entries, 8 vi entries, 4 noun entries.
The word "like" occupies eight parts of speech:
verb "Fruit flies like a banana."
noun "He has his likes and dislikes."
adjective "People of like tastes agree."
adverb "The truth is more like this."
conjunction "Time flies like an arrow."
preposition "She cries like a woman."
interjection "Like, man, that was far out."
verbal auxiliary "So loud I like to fell out of bed."
==> english/antonym.p <==
What words, when a single letter is added, reverse their meanings?
Exclude words that are obtained by adding an "a-" to the beginning.
==> english/antonym.s <==
e: fast -> feast, fiancee -> fiance
h: treat -> threat
r: fiend -> friend
s: he -> she
t: here -> there
==> english/behead.p <==
Is there a sentence that remains a sentence when all its words are beheaded?
==> english/behead.s <==
Show this bold Prussian that praises slaughter, slaughter brings rout.
==> english/capital.p <==
What words change pronunciation when capitalized (e.g., polish -> Polish)?
==> english/capital.s <==
A partial list is:
ewe (African language)
tang (Chinese dynasty)
worms (Germany city)
==> english/charades.p <==
A ....... surgeon was ....... to operate because he had .......
==> english/charades.s <==
A notable surgeon was not able to operate because he had no table.
==> english/contradictory.proverbs.p <==
What are some proverbs that contradict one another?
==> english/contradictory.proverbs.s <==
Beware of Greeks bearing gifts.
Never look a gift horse in the mouth.
Look before you leap.
He who hesitates is lost.
Nothing venture, nothing gain.
Fools rush in where angels fear to tread.
Seek and ye shall find.
Curiosity killed the cat.
Save for a rainy day.
Tomorrow will take care of itself.
Life is what we make it.
What is to be will be.
Too many cooks spoil the broth.
Many hands make light work.
One man's meat is another man's poison.
Sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.
With age comes wisdom.
Out of the mouths of babes and sucklings come all wise sayings.
Bear ye one another's burdens. (Gal. 6:2)
For every man shall bear his own burden. (Gal. 6:5)
Great minds run in the same channel.
Fools think alike.
A rolling stone gathers no moss.
A setting hen never lays.
==> english/contranym.p <==
What words are their own antonym?
==> english/contranym.s <==
In his 1989 book _Crazy English_, Richard Lederer calls such words contranyms
and lists more than 35, although some are phrases instead of words.
These can be divided into homographs (same spelling) and homophones (same pronunciation).
A partial list of homographs:
aught = all, nothing
bill = invoice, money
cleave = to separate, to join
clip = cut apart, fasten together
comprise = contain, compose
dust = to remove, add fine particles
fast = rapid, unmoving
literally = actually, figuratively
moot = debatable, not needing to be debated (already decided)
note = promise to pay, money
oversight = care, error
peep = look quietly, beep
peer = noble, companion
put = lay, throw
puzzle = pose problem, solve problem
quantum = very small, very large (quantum leap)
ravel = entangle, disentangle
resign = to quit, to sign up again
sanction = to approve of, to punish
sanguine = murderous, optimistic
scan = to examine closely, to glance at quickly
set = fix, flow
skin = to cover with, remove outer covering
speak = express verbally, express nonverbally
table = propose [British], set aside
temper = calmness, passion
trim = cut things off, put things on
A very short list of homophones:
aural, oral = heard, spoken
fiance, fiancee = female betrothed, male betrothed
raise, raze = erect, tear down
A pair of French words which can be very confusing:
La symetrie (symmetry) and L'asymetrie (asymmetry).
immo = yes, no
draw (curtains, open or close) (money, withdraw, accumulate interest)
==> english/element.p <==
The name of what element ends in "h"?
==> english/element.s <==
"The Elements" by Tom Lehrer
Sung to the tune of "The Major-General's Song" from Gilbert & Sullivan's
"The Pirates of Penzance":
There's antimony, arsenic, aluminum, selenium
And hydrogen and oxygen and nitrogen and rhenium
And nickel, neodymium, neptunium, germanium
And iron, americium, ruthenium, uranium,
Europium, zirconium, lutetium, vanadium
And lanthanum and osmium and astatine and radium
And gold and protactinium and indium and gallium
And iodine and thorium and thulium and thallium.
There's yttrium, ytterbium, actinium, rubidium
And boron, gadolinium, niobium, iridium
And strontium and silicon and silver and samarium
And BISMUTH, bromine, lithium, beryllium and barium.
There's holmium and helium and hafnium and erbium
And phosphorous and francium and fluorine and terbium
And manganese and mercury, molybdenum, magnesium,
Dysprosium and scandium and cerium and cesium
And lead, praseodymium and platinum, plutonium,
Palladium, promethium, potassium, polonium
And tantalum, technetium, titanium, tellurium
And cadmium and calcium and chromium and curium.
There's sulfur, californium and fermium, berkelium
And also mendelevium, einsteinium, nobelium
And argon, krypton, neon, radon, xenon, zinc and rhodium
And chlorine, carbon, cobalt, copper, tungsten, tin and sodium.
These are the only ones of which the news has come to Ha'vard
And there may be many others but they haven't been discavard.
==> english/equations.p <==
Each equation below contains the initials of words that will make the phrase
correct. Figure out the missing words. Lower case is used only to help the
initials stand out better.
Example: 26 = L. of the A.
would be 26 = Letters of the Alphabet
1 = G. L. for M. K.
1 = S. C. in D. P.
1 = S. S. for a M.
1 = W. on a U.
2 = H. in a W.
2 = P. in a P.
3 = B. M., S. H. T. R.!
3 = D. of the C.
3 = W. M.
4 = Q. in a F. G.
4 = S. in a Y.
5 = D. in a Z. C.
5 = D. of the C.
5 = S. in the S. C.
5 = T. on a F.
6 = P. in a P.
6 = T. Z. in the U. S.
6 = of O. and a H. D. of the O.
7 = C. in a R.
7 = K. of F. in H. P.
7 = W. of the W.
8 = L. on a S.
8 = L. on an O.
8 = S. on a S. S.
9 = D. in a Z. C., with the S. C.
9 = L. of a C.
9 = P. in the S. S.
10 = L. I. B.
11 = P. on a C. T.
11 = P. on a F. T.
12 = D. of C.
12 = D. of J.
12 = S. of the Z.
12 = T. of I.
13 = B. D.
13 = S. on the A. F.
14 = D. in a F.
15 = M. on a D. M. C.
16 = O. in the P.
18 = H. on the G. C.
20 = C. in a P.
24 = B. B. B. in a P.
24 = B. B. to a C.
24 = H. in a D.
25 = Y. of M. for a S. A.
26 = L. of the A.
29 = D. in F. in a L. Y.
32 = D. F. at which W. F.
36 = I. on a Y. S.
40 = D. and N. of the G. F.
43 = B. in E. C. of N.
46 = C. in the H. B.
50 = W. to L. Y. L.
52 = W. in a Y.
54 = C. in a D.
57 = H. V.
64 = S. on a C.
76 = T. L. the B. P.
88 = C. in the S.
88 = P. K.
90 = D. in a R. A.
96 = T., by ?
100 = B. of B. on a W.
101 = D.
101 = a S. M. L.
200 = D. for P. G. in M.
206 = B. in the H. B.
365 = D. in a Y.
432 = P. in a H.
500 = M. in the I. F. H.
500 = S. in a R.
1000 = I. in N. Y.
1000 = W. that a P. is W.
1001 = A. N.
20000 = L. U. the S.
==> english/equations.s <==
This puzzle originally was printed in "Games" magazine in 1981, by Will Shortz.
Many people have added to it since then.
1 = G. L. for M. K. (1 giant leap for man kind)
1 = S. C. in D. P. (1 single calorie in diet pepsi)
1 = S. S. for a M. (1 small step for a man)
1 = W. on a U. (1 wheel on a unicycle)
2 = H. in a W. (2 halves in a whole)
2 = P. in a P. (2 peas in a pod)
3 = B. M., S. H. T. R.! (3 blind mice, see how they run!)
3 = D. of the C. (Days of the Condor -- movie)
3 = W. M. (3 wise men)
4 = Q. in a F. G. (4 quarters in a football game)
4 = S. in a Y. (4 seasons in a year)
5 = D. in a Z. C. (5 digits in a zip code)
5 = D. of the C. (Days of the Condor -- book)
5 = S. in the S. C. (stars in the Southern Cross)
5 = T. on a F. (5 toes on a foot)
6 = P. in a P. (6 pigs in a poke)
6 = T. Z. in the U. S. (time zones in the United States)
6 = of O. and a H. D. of the O. (6 of one and a half dozen of the other)
7 = C. in a R. (colors in a rainbow : ROYGBIV)
7 = K. of F. in H. P. (7 kinds of fruit in hawaiian punch)
7 = W. of the W. (7 wonders of the world)
8 = L. on a S. (legs on a spider)
8 = L. on an O. (8 legs on an octopus)
8 = S. on a S. S. (8 sides on a stop sign)
9 = D. in a Z. C., with the S. C. (digits in a zip code, with the street code)
9 = L. of a C. (9 lives of a cat)
9 = P. in the S. S. (9 planets in the solar system)
10 = L. I. B. (10 little indian boys)
11 = P. on a C. T. (11 players on a cricket team)
11 = P. on a F. T. (11 players on a football team)
12 = D. of C. (12 days of Christmas)
12 = D. of J. (disciples of Jesus)
12 = S. of the Z. (12 signs of the zodiac)
12 = T. of I. (12 tribes of Israel)
13 = B. D. (13 = baker's dozen)
13 = S. on the A. F. (13 stripes on the American flag)
14 = D. in a F. (14 days in a fortnight)
15 = M. on a D. M. C. (15 men on a dead man's chest)
16 = O. in the P. (ounces in the pound)
18 = H. on the G. C. (18 holes on the golf course)
20 = C. in a P. (20 cigarettes in a pack)
24 = B. B. B. in a P. (24 black birds baked in a pie)
24 = B. B. to a C. (24 beer bottles to a case)
24 = H. in a D. (24 hours in a day)
25 = Y. of M. for a S. A. (25 years of marriage for a silver anniversary)
26 = L. of the A. (letters of the alphabet)
29 = D. in F. in a L. Y. (29 days in Febuary in a leap year.)
32 = D. F. at which W. F. (32 degrees Fahrenheit at which water freezes)
36 = I. on a Y. S. (36 inches on a yard stick)
40 = D. and N. of the G. F. (40 days and nights of the great flood)
43 = B. in E. C. of N. (beans in each cup of Nescafe)
46 = C. in the H. B. (chromosomes in the human body)
50 = W. to L. Y. L. (50 ways to leave your lover)
52 = W. in a Y. (52 weeks in a year)
54 = C. in a D. (with the J.) (54 cards in a deck with the jokers)
57 = H. V. (57 heinz varieties)
64 = S. on a C. (64 squares on a checkerboard)
76 = T. L. the B. P. (76 trombones led the big parade)
88 = C. in the S. (constellations in the sky)
88 = P. K. (88 piano keys)
90 = D. in a R. A. (90 degrees in a right angle)
96 = T., by ? (96 Tears, by ?)
100 = B. of B. on a W. (100 bottles of beer on a wall)
101 = D. (101 dalmations)
101 = a S. M. L. (101, a silly millimeter longer)
200 = D. for P. G. in M. (200 dollars for passing go in monopoly)
206 = B. in the H. B. (206 bones in the human body)
365 = D. in a Y. (365 days in a year)
432 = P. in a H. (pints in a hogshead)
500 = M. in the I. F. H. (500 miles in the Indianapolis Five Hundred)
500 = S. in a R. (sheets in a ream)
1000 = I. in N. Y. (1000 islands in new york)
1000 = W. that a P. is W. (1000 words that a picture is worth)
1001 = A. N. (1001 arabian nights, as in tales of)
20000 = L. U. the S. (20000 leagues under the sea)
==> english/fossil.p <==
What are some examples of idioms that include obsolete words?
==> english/fossil.s <==
These are called fossil expresions -- words that have dropped out of
common use but hang around in idioms. Not all of them are separate
words, some are part of other words or have prefixes or suffixes
attached. There are also words which have current meaning, but the
meaning in the idiom is unrelated to it.
idiom fossil meaning of fossil
swashbuckler buckler small shield
newfangled fangled siezed
rank and file file column
to and fro fro from
gormless gorm attention
hem and haw haw make the sound "haw"
hem and haw hem make the sound "hem"
hue and cry hue outcry
kit and kaboodle kaboodle collection
out of kilter kilter order
kith and kin kith friends
let or hinderance let hinderance
footpad pad highwayman
pratfall prat buttocks
rank and file rank row
raring to go raring enthusiastic
ruthless ruth compassion
short shrift shrift confession
spick-and-span span chunk of wood
spick-and-span spick nail (spike)
swashbuckler swash bluster or stagger
bank teller tell to count
==> english/frequency.p <==
In the English language, what are the most frequently appearing:
1) letters overall?
2) letters BEGINNING words?
3) final letters?
4) digrams (ordered pairs of letters)?
==> english/frequency.s <==
web2 = word list from Webster's Second Unabridged
web2a = hyphenated words and phrases from Webster's Second Unabridged
both = web2 + web2a
net = several gigabytes of Usenet traffic
1) Most frequently appearing letters overall:
web2: eiaorn tslcup mdhygb fvkwzx qj
both: eairon tslcud pmhgyb fwvkzx qj
net: etaoin srhldc umpfgy wbvkxj qz
2) Most frequently appearing letters BEGINNING words:
web: spcaut mbdrhi eofgnl wvkjqz yx
both: spcatb umdrhf eigowl nvkqjz yx
net: taisow cmbphd frnelu gyjvkx qz
3) Most frequent final letters:
web: eysndr ltacmg hkopif xwubzv jq
both: eydsnr tlagcm hkpoiw fxbuzv jq
net: estndr yolafg mhipuk cwxbvz jq
4) Most frequent digrams (ordered pairs of letters)
web: er in ti on te al an at ic en is re ra le ri ro st ne ar ...
both: er in te ti on an re al at le en ra ic ar st ri ro ed ne ...
net: th he in er re an on at te es or en ar ha is ou it to st nd ...
Program to compute this from word list in standard input:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
typedef struct {
int count;
char name[3];
FREQ all[256],initial[256],terminal[256],digram[65536];
int compare(p,q)
FREQ *p,*q;
{ return q->count - p->count;
void sort_and_print(freq,count,description)
FREQ *freq;
int count;
char *description;
{ register FREQ *p;
for (p=freq;p<freq+count;p++)
if (p->count) printf("%s %d\n",p->name,p->count);
{ char s[BUFSIZ];
register char *p;
register int i;
while (gets(s)!=NULL) {
if (islower(*s)) {
for (p=s;*p;p++) {
if (isalpha(*p)) {
if (isalpha(p[1])) {
i = p[0]*256 + p[1];
sort_and_print(all,256,"overall character distribution: ");
sort_and_print(initial,256,"initial character distribution: ");
sort_and_print(terminal,256,"terminal character distribution: ");
sort_and_print(digram,65536,"digram distribution: ");
==> english/gry.p <==
Find three completely different words ending in "gry."
==> english/gry.s <==
Aside from "angry" and "hungry" and words derived therefrom, there is
only one word ending with "-gry" in Webster's Third Unabridged: "aggry."
However, this word is defective in that it is part of a phrase "aggry beads."
The OED's usage examples all talk about "aggry beads."
Moving to older dictionaries, we find that "gry" itself is a word in Webster's
Second Unabridged (and the OED):
gry, n. [L. gry, a trifle; Gr. gry, a grunt]
1. a measure equal to one-tenth of a line. [Obs.] (Obs. = obsolete)
2. anything very small. [Rare.]
This is a list of 94 words, phrases and names ending in "gry":
[Explanation of references is given at the end of the list.]
aggry [OED:1:182; W2; W3]
Agry Dagh (Mount Agry) [EB11]
ahungry [OED:1:194; FW; W2]
angry [OED; FW; W2; W3]
anhungry [OED:1:332; W2]
Badagry [Johnston; EB11]
Ballingry [Bartholomew:40; CLG:151; RD:164, pl.49]
begry [OED:1:770,767]
bewgry [OED:1:1160]
bowgry [OED:1:1160]
braggry [OED:1:1047]
Bugry [TIG]
Chockpugry [Worcester]
Cogry [BBC]
cony-gry [OED:2:956]
conyngry [OED:2:956]
Croftangry [DFC, as "Chrystal Croftangry"]
dog-hungry [W2]
Dshagry [Stieler]
Dzagry [Andree]
eard-hungry [CED (see "yird"); CSD]
Echanuggry [Century:103-104, on inset map, Key 104 M 2]
Egry [France; TIG]
ever-angry [W2]
fire-angry [W2]
Gagry [EB11]
gry (from Latin _gry_) [OED:4/2:475; W2]
gry (from Romany _grai_) [W2]
haegry [EDD (see "hagery")]
half-angry [W2]
hangry [OED:1:329]
heart-angry [W2]
heart-hungry [W2]
higry pigry [OED:5/1:285]
hogry [EDD (see "huggerie"); CSD]
hogrymogry [EDD (see "huggerie"); CSD (as "hogry-mogry")]
hongry [OED:5/1:459; EDD:3:282]
huggrymuggry [EDD (see "huggerie"); CSD (as "huggry-muggry")]
hungry [OED; FW; W2; W3]
Hungry Bungry [Daily Illini, in ad for The Giraffe, Spring 1976]
Jagry [EB11]
kaingry [EDD (see "caingy")]
land-hungry [W2]
Langry [TIG; Times]
Lisnagry [Bartholomew:489]
MacLoingry [Phillips (as "Flaithbhertach MacLoingry")]
mad-angry [OED:6/2:14]
mad-hungry [OED:6/2:14]
magry [OED:6/2:36, 6/2:247-48]
malgry [OED:6/2:247]
Margry [Indians (see "Pierre Margry" in bibliog., v.2, p.1204)]
maugry [OED:6/2:247-48]
mawgry [OED:6/2:247]
meagry [OED:6/2:267]
meat-hungry [W2]
menagry [OED (see "managery")]
messagry [OED]
overangry [RH1; RH2]
Pelegry [CE (in main index as "Raymond de Pelegry")]
Pingry [Bio-Base; HPS:293-94, 120-21]
podagry [OED; W2 (below the line)]
Pongry [Andree (Supplement, p.572)]
pottingry [OED:7/2:1195; Jamieson:3:532]
puggry [OED:8/1:1573; FW; W2; W3]
pugry [OED:8/1:1574]
rungry [EDD:5:188]
scavengry [OED (in 1715 quote under "scavengery")]
Schtschigry [LG/1:2045; OSN:97]
Seagry [TIG; EB11]
Segry [Johnston; Andree]
self-angry [W2]
self-hungry ?
Shchigry [CLG:1747; Johnson:594; OSN:97,206; Times:185,pl.45]
shiggry [EDD]
Shtchigry [LG/1:2045; LG/2:1701]
Shtshigry [Lipp]
skugry [OED:9/2:156, 9/1:297; Jamieson:4:266]
Sygry [Andree]
Tangry [France]
Tchangry [Johnson:594; LG/1:435,1117]
Tchigry [Johnson:594]
tear-angry [W2]
tike-hungry [CSD]
Tingry [France; EB11 (under "Princesse de Tingry")]
toggry [Simmonds (as "Toggry", but all entries are capitalized)]
ulgry [Partridge; Smith:24-25]
unangry [W2]
vergry [OED:12/1:123]
Virgy [CLG:2090]
Wirgy [CLG:2090; NAP:xxxix; Times:220, pl.62; WA:948]
wind-hungry [W2]
yeard-hungry [CED (see "yird")]
yerd-hungry [CED (see "yird"); OED]
yird-hungry [CED (see "yird")]
Ymagry [OED:1:1009 (col. 3, 1st "boss" verb), (variant of "imagery")]
This list was gathered from the following articles:
George H. Scheetz. In Goodly Gree: With Goodwill. Word Ways 22:195 (Nov. 1989)
Murray R. Pearce. Who's Flaithbhertach MacLoingry? Word Ways 23:6 (Feb. 1990)
Harry B. Partridge. Gypsy Hobby Gry. Word Ways 23:9 (Feb. 1990)
(Many references are of the form [Source:volume:page] or [Source:page].)
Andree, Richard. Andrees Handatlas (index volume). 1925.
Bartholomew, John. Gazetteer of the British Isles: Statistical and
Topographical. 1887.
BBC = BBC Pronouncing Dictionary of English Names.
Bio-Base. (Microfiche) Detroit: Gale Research Company. 1980.
CE = Catholic Encyclopedia. 1907.
CED = Chambers English Dictionary. 1988.
Century = "India, Northern Part." The Century Atlas of the World. 1897, 1898.
CLG = The Colombia Lippincott Gazetteer of the World. L.E.Seltzer, ed. 1952.
CSD = Chambers Scots Dictionary. 1971 reprint of 1911 edition.
Daily Illini (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign).
DFC = Dictionary of Fictional Characters. 1963.
EB11 = Encyclopedia Britannica, 11th ed.
EDD = The English Dialect Dictionary. Joseph Wright, ed. 1898.
France = Map Index of France. G.H.Q. American Expeditionary Forces. 1918.
FW = Funk & Wagnalls New Standard Dictionary of the English Language. 1943.
HPS = The Handbook of Private Schools: An Annual Descriptive Survey of
Independent Education, 66th ed. 1985.
Indians = Handbook of American Indians North of Mexico. F. W. Hodge. 1912.
Jamieson, John. An Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language. 1879-87.
Johnston, Keith. Index Geographicus... 1864.
LG/1 = Lippincott's Gazetteer of the World: A Complete Pronouncing Gazetteer
or Geographical Dictionary of the World. 1888.
LG/2 = Lippincott's New Gazetteer: ... 1906.
Lipp = Lippincott's Pronouncing Gazetteer of the World. 1861, undated
edition from late 1800's; 1902.
NAP = Narodowy Atlas Polski. 1973-1978 [Polish language]
OED = The Oxford English Dictionary. 1933. [Form: OED:volume/part number if
OSN: U.S.S.R. Volume 6, S-T. Official Standard Names Approved by the United
States Board on Geographic Names. Gazetteer #42, 2nd ed. June 1970.
Partridge, Harry B. "Ad Memoriam Demetrii." Word Ways, 19 (Aug. 1986): 131.
Phillips, Lawrence. Dictionary of Biographical Reference. 1889.
RD = The Reader's Digest Complete Atlas of the British Isles, 1st ed. 1965.
RH1 = Random House Dictionary of the English Language, Unabridged. 1966.
RH2 = Random House Dictionary of the English Language, Second Edition
Unabridged. 1987.
Simmonds, P.L. Commercial Dictionary of Trade Products. 1883.
Smith, John. The True Travels, Adventvres and Observations: London 1630.
Stieler, Adolph. Stieler's Handatlas (index volume). 1925.
TIG = The Times Index-Gazetteer of the World. 1965.
Times = The Times Atlas of the World, 7th ed. 1985.
W2 = Webster's New International Dictionary of the English Language,
Second Edition, Unabridged. 1934.
W3 = Webster's Third New International Dictionary of the English Language,
Unabridged. 1961.
WA = The World Atlas: Index-Gazetteer. Council of Ministires of the USSR, 1968.
Worcester, J.E. Universal Gazetteer, Second Edition. 1823.
Some words containing "gry" that do not end with "gry": agrypnia,
agrypnotic, Gryllidae, gryllid, gryllus, Gryllus, grylloblattid,
Gryllotalpa, gryllos, grypanian, Gryphaea, Gryll, Gryphaea, gryposis,
grysbok, gryphon, Gryphosaurus, Grypotherium, grysbuck. Most of these
are in Webster's Second also with one from Webster's Third Edition and
one from the Random House Dictionary, Second Edition Unabridged.
==> english/homographs.p <==
List all homographs (words that are spelled the same but pronounced differently)
==> english/homographs.s <==
This list composed by Mark Brader <msb@sq.com>
A - All of the following "defects" absent
B - Basic meanings are related
C - Capitalization differs ("capitonyms")
D - Different spellings also exist (US vs UK, hyphenation, etc.)
E - Equal pronunciations also exist (US vs UK, regional, etc.)
F - Foreign word, or may be distinguished with accent marks
G - Gcontrived :-), coined, jargon, or other uncommon word
N - Alleged, but I could not find support for this one in my dictionary
and it is not familiar to me
3 - 3-way homograph
4 - 4-way homograph
B abstract {corresponding noun and verb; henceforth abbreviated NV}
B abuse {NV}
B addict {NV}
B advocate {NV}
BG affect {alter; emotion}
B affiliate {NV}
B affix {NV}
G agape {wide open; form of love}
B aggregate {NV}
G ai {sloth; ouch!}
BE ally {NV}
B alternate {NV}
BD analyses {plural noun; singular verb (UK)}
B animate {verb; adjective}
A appropriate {take posession of; suitable}
B approximate {verb; adjective}
E are {form of to be; unit of area}
B arithmetic {noun; adjective}
B articulate {verb; adjective}
4DFG as {like; Roman coin; Persian card game; pl. of a}
B aspirate {NV}
B associate {NV}
B attribute {NV}
C august
A axes {plural of ax; plural of axis}
A bases {plural of base; plural of basis}
A bass {~ fiddle; fishing for ~}
N blessed
A bow(ed) {~ and arrow; ~ to the king}
E buffet {jostle; ~ lunch}
B bustier {undergarment; more busty}
B close {~ call; ~ the door}
B closer {door ~; more close}
B coagulate {NV}
G coax {urge; coaxial cable}
3FG colon {":"; colonial farmer; Costa Rican monetary unit}
B combat {NV}
B combine {NV}
A commune {take Communion; administrative district}
A compact {closely arranged; treaty}
B compound {NV}
B compress {NV}
B conduct {NV}
B confect {NV}
B confines {NV}
B conflict {NV}
B conglomerate {NV}
B conjugate {NV}
BE conserve {preserve; jam}
A console {soothe; keyboard desk}
B consort {NV}
B construct {NV}
B consummate {verb; adjective}
N contact
E content {what is contained; satisfied}
B contest {NV}
B contract {NV}
B contrast {NV}
N convent
A converse {logic term; to talk}
B convert {NV}
B convict {NV}
BE coordinate {NV}
FG dame {woman; term in the game of Go}
DE decameter {poetic line with 10 feet; 10 meters (US)}
B defect {flaw; turn traitor}
E defense {sports term; fortification}
BE delegate {NV}
B deliberate {adjective; verb}
A desert {leave alone; Sahara ~}
B desolate {adjective; verb}
D dingy {dull; small boat}
BE discharge {NV}
N divers {plural diver; various}
F do {perform; tonic note of scale}
A does {~ the buck see the ~?}
A dove {dived; pigeon}
F dozen {12; stun (Scottish)}
B drawer {one who draws; chest of ~s}
B duplicate {NV}
B elaborate {verb; adjective}
A entrance {door; delight}
BDE envelop {NV}
N envelope
N ergotism {logical reasoning; ergot poisoning}
B escort {NV}
N escrow
B essay {piece of writing; try}
B estimate {NV}
CFG ewe {female sheep; African language}
B excuse {NV}
B exploit {NV}
BF expose {NV}
B ferment {NV}
N fiasco {failure; bottle}
BDE fillet {cut of meat/fish; band of ribbon/wood}
G formal {ceremonious; methylal}
DEG genet {civetlike animal; horselike animal}
A gill {volume unit; organ in fish}
A glower {sullen look; one that glows}
B graduate {NV}
F he {pronoun; Hebrew letter}
CE herb {name; plant}